Color Palette
Allows you to override the default color palette, giving the visualization a specific color theme.
Supply a comma separated list of values colors in HEX format.
The visualization will apply these colors to the bars/lines/slices etc.
The system will use the colors defined in the Global Settings if there are no colors defined here.
Color Map
Use this option to assign specific colors to specific values.
Color Map accepts the color definitions in text, hex codes and rgb. Example:
"Major":"rgb(220, 20, 60)"
"Not Applicable":"#7393B3"
The system looks at the "Text" in the color map and displays the chart colors accordingly. So where the Web Application is internationalized, specify the relevant lookup text items and the color code.
"Not Applicable":"#7393B3",
"N'est pas applicable":"#7393B3",
"Major":"rgb(220, 20, 60)",
"Majeur":"rgb(220, 20, 60)"
Please note the colon between the label and the color, and the comma between entries.
Sort By
Measure Values - this will sort the chart by the value of the measure.
Example screenshot below of the Incidents by Consequences sorted by descending order of the Incident count measure.
Category (default selection) – this will sort the chart based on the Name of the Category.
Example of Incident Consequences sorted by descending order of the Incident Consequence category.
Applicable for Bar, Stacked Bar and Line chart types.