Adding Calendars to a Dashboard: Calendar Widget



The steps below are made under the assumption that:

  • Calendars which need to be shown already exist

I want to define an Calendar Widget

The Properties for the Image Widget are:

Dashboard Designer - Calendar Widget_Properties

Calendar Widget Properties

For the task of ...

I need to ...

Defining the Title for this Widget

Update the Title

Adding a Description of this Widget.

Update the Field Description

Applying a specific style to the widget

The field CSS Class can be used by Designers to apply a specific CSS class to the widget, enhancing the ability for Designers to individually style widgets.

Selecting the Calendar which needs to be shown.

Select the Calendar

ding whether to show the whole Calendar, or only the List View.

You have the option to either:

  • display the entire Calendar, select: Calendars and List
  • only display the List View part (the part framed in red) of a Calendar, select: List View only

Dashboard Designer - Calendar Display Styles


Adjusting the "Height" of the Calendar

You have two options:

  • To make use of the FULL screen height:
    leave the field Height (px) empty
  • To set the height:
    Set a value for the field Height (px). A good starting point would be a value of 250.

See Also

How to Build a new Dashboard

Adding Images to a Dashboard: the Image Widget

Adding direct Links to a Dashboard: Link Widget

Adding a List View to a Dashboard: List View Widget

Adding an HTML Source to a Dashboard: iframe Widget

Adding a Map to a Dashboard: Map Widget

Adding Visualizations to a Dashboard: Visualization Widget

Adding a Parameter: Visualization Parameter Widget

Dashboard Properties