Adding a Map to a Dashboard: Map Widget

A Dashboard Map is a way to view records, from across multiple modules, with multiple filtering criteria, on a single dashboard Map widget.
Dashboard Maps are focused on finding and viewing individual records on a map, as an entry point to drill through to detailed records.



  • To use Map fields in the Web Application, a Google API Key that has the 'Places' suite of APIs enabled must be entered into Global Settings.
  • Components must be set up for Geo Location, with each record having a Latitude and Longitude value.

Defining the Dashboard Maps

In a first step it is necessary to define the Dashboard Maps. These are the objects which then can be added to a Dashboard Widget.

From the menu, select Designer Menu path separator Dashboards Menu path separator Dashboard Map

Dashboard Map Properties

For the task of ...

I need to ...

Naming the Map

Define the Map Name

Adding the individual Map Elements

Each Dashboard Map can have one or several Map Elements. These are the items which will be represented as Pins on the Map Widget.

Tab Map Elements:

  • Define the Map Element Name. This name will be used on the map's filter panel legend.
  • Select the Component which will be represented as a Pin on the Map, and then Save the record.

Tab Additional Details

  • Select and link the fields for Latitude and Longitude.

All the remaining fields are optional

Icon URL

Each record on a map is represented as a pin. To replace the default red pin used by Google for a Map Element, you can do so by providing a URL to any public facing image file. For example:

Prerequisites (tiny) Prerequisite: the URL provided must be publicly accessible on the internet.

Here are some sites which could be used to retrieve suitable icons:


Applying Filters to Map Elements

There are two different means to apply a filter to Map Elements:

  • Static, using the Component Filter:
    this filter will apply to all users, and it cannot be disabled/modified during run-time.
  • Dynamic, using Filter Selection 1/2
    Designers can define on which relationship a user can filter, and at run-time users have the option
    - to apply this filter or not (by leaving the selection empty)
    - to select a value to filter by (for example by selecting a Department or Location)

Component Filter

For each of the Map Elements, you apply any existing Component Filter, for example to only include "Incidents that occurred in the last 7 days" on a map.

Filter Selection 1/2

Designers can select any relationship on which a filter should be applicable.

When such filters have been provided, users will be able to dynamically filter the content of a map by selecting a value from the referred component at run-time.



Dashboard Maps with multiple Widgets

For the filters to work correctly it is required that, within a given Dashboard Map, the relationships selected for the Filter Selections 1/2 are the same across all Map Elements .

Should there be a breach of that rule, the web application will issue a Publish Warning.



Tooltip Summary at Runtime

At runtime, the system will display a tooltip summary when users click on a pin or cluster. When clicking on the summary, the system will open the corresponding record.

  • The fields which are shown on that summary are determined by the List View used as the Default Component Lookup for the Component.
  • It is the Form which is linked to this List View which will be opened when the user accesses a record from the Tooltip Summary.


Defining a Map Widget

The Properties for the Map Widget are:

Dashboard Designer - Map Widget_Properties

Map Widget Properties

For the task of ...

I need to ...

Defining the Title for this Widget

Update the Title

Adding a Description of this Widget.

Update the Field Description (optional)

Applying a specific style to the widget

The field CSS Class can be used by Designers to apply a specific CSS class to the widget, enhancing the ability for Designers to individually style widgets.

Selecting the Dashboard Map

Select the Dashboard Map from the available list of Maps.

Controlling if the Filter Panel is shown or hidden on load

Map Option "Show filter panel on load":

  • If selected,
    - the Dashboard map will load with the filter panel being expanded
    - the system will not initially load any records onto the map, waiting for the user to toggle a Map Element "on"
  • If not selected,
    - that panel will be collapsed upon loading
    - the system will load all Map Elements by default exclamation_mark_xtra_small
  • Regardless of the selection, Users will have the option to show/hide the panel, and toggle Map Elements on/off.


Performance Considerations

Opting to hide the filter panel will cause all Map Elements to be loaded, including all the filters and security evaluation that go along with them – so in some cases this could cause long load times


See Also

How to Build a new Dashboard

Adding Images to a Dashboard: the Image Widget

Adding direct Links to a Dashboard: Link Widget

Adding Calendars to a Dashboard: Calendar Widget

Adding a List View to a Dashboard: List View Widget

Adding an HTML Source to a Dashboard: iframe Widget

Adding Visualizations to a Dashboard: Visualization Widget

Adding a Parameter: Visualization Parameter Widget

Dashboard Properties