Adding a Parameter: Visualization Parameter Widget

By adding one or several Parameters to a Dashboard, users are able to filter the data in the current dashboard.



To apply a Parameter to a Visualization, the selected Parameter Type needs to be included in the Visualization's Data Source.

I want to define a Visualization Parameter

Visualization Parameter widgets provide selection fields on the dashboard, where end users can drive the filtering of all visualizations on the dashboard.

See How do I setup parameters for visualizations in a dashboard? for more information on how Dashboard Parameters interact with Visualizations.

The Properties for the Parameter Widget are:

Dashboard Designer - Visualization Parameter Widget_Properties

Visualization Parameter Widget Properties

For the task of ...

I need to ...

Defining the Title for this Widget

Update the Title

Adding a Description of this Widget

Update the Field Description (optional)

Applying a specific style to the widget

The field CSS Class can be used by Designers to apply a specific CSS class to the widget, enhancing the ability for Designers to individually style widgets.

Selecting the Type of Parameter

Define the type of Parameter.

  • Component
  • Lookup List
  • Date Range
  • Questionnaire

Refer to Visualizations for further details.

Defining the value of the Component

Select the Component which is to be used as the parameter, For example Department or Location.

Filtering the Selection

To apply a Filter, select one of the List Views offered by the web application. The system will then apply the filter which is linked to that List View.

If you leave the Filter field empty, then the system will apply the filter which may be linked to the Default Component Lookup.

See Also

How to Build a new Dashboard

Adding Images to a Dashboard: the Image Widget

Adding direct Links to a Dashboard: Link Widget

Adding Calendars to a Dashboard: Calendar Widget

Adding a List View to a Dashboard: List View Widget

Adding an HTML Source to a Dashboard: iframe Widget

Adding a Map to a Dashboard: Map Widget

Adding Visualizations to a Dashboard: Visualization Widget

Dashboard Properties