Adding an HTML Source to a Dashboard: iframe Widget

I want to define an iframe Widget

The properties for the Iframe Widget are:

Dashboard Designer - iFrame Widget_Properties

iframe Widget Properties

For the task of ...

I need to ...

Changing the Title of the iframe on the Dashboard.

Update the Title

Adding a Description of the iframe

Update the Field Description

Applying a specific style to the widget

The field CSS Class can be used by Designers to apply a specific CSS class to the widget, enhancing the ability for Designers to individually style widgets.

The CSS will apply to all items within the widget.

Controlling the size of the iframe on the Dashboard

Choose the iframe Size from one of these Options:

  • Percent:
    - Width in % of the target cell where the iframe has been placed.
    - Height in % will only work in very limited scenarios
  • Pixels: user can manually size the iframe, by determining the fixed height and the width in pixels.

Defining the Source for the iframe content

Select the relevant HTML Source for the Widget.

These are in Admin Menu path separator HTML Libraries Menu path separator HTML Source

Showing an iframe without the border panel and a title

Select the Other options: Hide outside border panel.


See Also

How to Build a new Dashboard

Adding Images to a Dashboard: the Image Widget

Adding direct Links to a Dashboard: Link Widget

Adding Calendars to a Dashboard: Calendar Widget

Adding a List View to a Dashboard: List View Widget

Adding a Map to a Dashboard: Map Widget

Adding Visualizations to a Dashboard: Visualization Widget

Adding a Parameter: Visualization Parameter Widget

Dashboard Properties