Designing a Form: Layout, Validations, Actions and Defaults

In the context of Evotix 360: what is a Form?

In the application, Forms are usually representing a "Business Process", or they contain "Referential Data". Examples are:

  • Business Processes:
    • An Incident Report, e.g.: A Visitor tripped in the corridor, because it was too dark.
    • An Action, e.g.: Fix the broken light in the corridor.
  • Referential Data:
    • All the Locations and Departments within the Company.
    • The Persons working in the Company.

A Form will contain all the relevant information for each record in the system. Whenever a record is being created, modified or viewed, the user will access a Form to perform these tasks.

The Forms themselves will consist of one, or many Pages.

What is involved in creating a new Form?

Before starting to design a from, we strongly suggest that you discuss the following with the End Users of the application:

  • What information is needed for each Business Process, or each form? Which fields do need to be shown on a form?
  • How will this information be presented?
    • In which order does the information need to be entered?
    • Is the information shown on one, or on several pages?
    • If there are several pages, will there be some rules which will govern if/when these pages are revealed?
      • For example: the 'Sign Off' Page is only shown once the question "Is this record ready to be signed off?" has been answered with YES.
  • Are there some fields which are mandatory, and MUST be filled in before the records can be saved?
  • Will it be necessary to trigger other Business Processes from within the current Business Process? This Processes will be represented as "Subforms".
    • Example: create Actions from within an Incident.
  • Are Validations necessary, which will help to improve the data quality?
  • Once a record is successfully saved, does the system have to perform any Actions?
    • Example: send an Email to the person who assigned this task.
  • Will there be fields which will be Defaulted when a new record is created?
  • Are some fields READ ONLY?

In This Section

Form Designer


Form Actions

Default Values

Workflow Status

See Also

Designing and Building the Interface: Forms, Views, Menus

Designing List Views

"Reminder Emails" and "My Tasks Dashboard"

Setting up Reminder Emails and My Tasks

Fine Tuning the Layout of Email Reminders

Designing Tree Views (Hierarchical Views)

Building Menus

Recommended Path for Component, Form and View Configuration

Restarting Application Server (Tomcat)