Designing List Views

What are List Views used for?

The main uses for List Views are:

  • Listing records of Business Processes (for example Incidents or Actions), so users can view or select them.
  • But they are also used in "Component Lookups", which are needed to allow users to select related records from within a Business Process.
    The most common examples would be to select
    • as a List View: a Person (e.g. "Action was assigned by")
    • as a Tree View: a Department (e.g. "Which Department is responsible")?

What is required to define a List View?

List views are a tool to list, and quickly find records. Before defining a List View, you will need to decide:

  • Which information needs to be shown in the list. Or, in other words, which fields need to be shown in the columns?
  • By which column should the information be ordered?
  • What kind of filter, if any, needs to be applied to the List View? Examples could be:
    • All Actions
    • All Open Actions
    • Open Actions which are assigned to me
  • Who has access to this List View?
  • And finally: you will need to add the List View to the Menu via the Menu Designer


While it is highly recommended to gather all the required information before you start with configuration, it is NOT mandatory.

In This Section

Designer Panel - to access List View Designer

List View Designer

See Also

Designing and Building the Interface: Forms, Views, Menus

Designing a Form: Layout, Validations, Actions and Defaults

"Reminder Emails" and "My Tasks Dashboard"

Setting up Reminder Emails and My Tasks

Fine Tuning the Layout of Email Reminders

Designing Tree Views (Hierarchical Views)

Building Menus

Recommended Path for Component, Form and View Configuration

Restarting Application Server (Tomcat)