To calculate emissions, it is necessary to know what material is being "used", its emission factors and other attributes. Since these factors can vary for different locations (e.g. country to country) and can vary over time, these attributes are defined by location and date range. The details entered for each material can be used as part of the formula to calculate the correct emissions.
To enter in Material Inventory and Emissions Factors, navigate to ...Emissions Management
Material Inventory.
Definitions for Material Inventory
Enter the Name of the Material for which you want to define a set of attribute values
External Material Reference
Whena licence for the DitchCarbon integration to import Emissions Factors has been purchased, this field can be used to link a Material to an External Material Reference.
This is essentially the link between a Material as defined in your business, to a material as defined by external parties/governments (and as provided by DitchCarbon), so that the Emission Factors can be retrieved.
When a Material Reference is selected, the system will automatically create the Material Attribute Subform records for you, populating the relevant emission factors, when the monthly System Event runs, or when an Administrator manually refreshes the Emissions Factors
Declared Unit
The Declared Unit essentially defines the denominator for the Emissions Factor unit/ratio.
It is the unit of measure of the material, to which the Emissions Factors are applicable.
i.e. The Emissions Factors defined are correct in formulas where the material quantity if defined in this declared unit, or converted to this declared unit.
Material Attributes
Select the Location from the list of existing Locations.
The granularity can be set as required. If for example you select a Country, then the attributes will be applied to all entities (Emissions Sources) which are located within that country, and all its child-locations (State, City, Office, etc.).
Alternatively, attributes for each individual Location can be defined too
Start Date
Date when the Emission Factor comes into effect
End Date (Optional)
Last date the Emission Factor is valid
External Material Reference
Relevant only with DitchCarbon integration.
When an External Material Reference is selected in the parent Material record, the system will populate this field when it creates the Material Attribute subform records as part of the monthly event (or manual trigger).
Occasionally when new Emissions Factors are published over time, they will be published as a new External Material Reference. When this happens, you can update select the updated [External Material Reference] in the parent record, the existing Material Attribute Subform records will retain the old factors and any new/future records created will have the updated Emission Factors.
Declared Unit
Represents the quantity (e.g. mass, volume) of the material for which the Emissions Factors are relevant.
When set, this will automatically populate the Denominator Units of all Emissions Factors.
Emissions Factors
For each Material, the following Emissions Factors can be entered:
- CO2-eEF (Total CO2e)
- CO2EF (Carbon dioxide: CO2e)
- CH4EF (Methane: CO2e)
- N2OEF (Nitrous oxide: CO2e)
For each of the Factors, you can also define the Unit ratio in which they are recorded.
The system will copy the [Declared Unit] field of either the Material Attribute subform or from the parent Form into the [Denominator Unit] of all Emission Factors.
As an example, for a CO2e emission factor with "kg/GJ" as the unit of measure, you will specify "kg" in the "Unit" and "GJ" in the denominator unit.
Other Attributes
In addition, it is possible to define the following Attributes:
- Density
- Energy Content (Net)
- Energy Content (Gross)
For each of these Attributes, you can also define the Unit in which they are recorded.
Data Source
For capturing the document/site where the Material Attributes were sourced from.
Where a licence for the DitchCarbon integration to import Emissions Factors has been purchased, this field is automatically populated.