Time Periods

Time Periods can be defined to match the required reporting periods and intervals. They can be of type Month, Quarter and Year, and will be pre-populated when the module is enabled.

To record Time Periods, navigate to

  • For Emissions: ...Emissions Management Menu path separator Administration Menu path separator Time Period
  • For Metrics: ...Metrics Management Menu path separator Administration Menu path separator Time Period



  • The Metrics Management module uses its own Time Period component, which is independent of any other Time Period components that may be used in other modules in your system.
  • When enabling the Metrics Module, the system will automatically create all time periods up to the 2030 year.

Definition for Time Periods




Name the Time Periods consistently, so that they are easily identifiable, and can be sorted in a logical manner. Examples:

  • If Type = Year: 2018 Year
  • If Type = Quarter: 2018 Q1
  • If Type = Month: 2018 (01) January


Time Periods need to be classified as either of these types:

  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Year

Only create Time Periods of the same type which are in line with your Reporting Requirements.

For example, if you need/want to report on ANNUAL numbers only, just create Time Periods of the type "Year".

Date Range for the current Time Period

Enter the corresponding FROM and TO dates for the Time Period.


Type and Date Ranges will become "Read Only" once data has been collected for a Time Period.



By ticking the Closed box, the system will "lock" records associated with this Time Period, and no new records for this Time Period can be added.

If there are outstanding data to be collected for that Time Period, the system will throw an error message and will not allow to close that Time Period.

See Also

Emissions Administration

Material Inventory: Emission Factors

Metrics (Emission Types)



Entering Formulas

Emission Sources

Acceptable Input Deviation

Outstanding Emissions Data Entry Reminder

Incomplete Emissions Data Notification

Defining the Email Body for Reminder to complete outstanding Emissions

Emissions Data Import

Maintaining Referential Data

Security Considerations and Limitations

Emissions Management: Outstanding Data Generation & Result Calculation

External Material Reference