Emission Sources
Emission Sources are any process, activity or equipment that produces emissions. The granularity of these sources can be configured to suit your reporting requirements.
Examples of Emission Sources:
- A single truck
- Fleet of trucks at site level
- Mine-shaft
- Diesel consumed for Electricity Generation
At the time of data entry, the system will dynamically produce a list of outstanding Input records based on the Emissions source along with time period and location to ensure all required data is collected from users.
To record Emission Sources, navigate to ...Emissions Management Administration Emission Sources.
Definitions for Emissions Sources
This Name is referenced in Data Entry Forms, Notification Emails and Data Import Files
Each source must be linked to a Location where it physically resides or in the case of mobile emission sources, the location against which its emissions are to be reported.
Date Active
Date when the Emission Source comes into effect
(To protect data integrity, once Emission Results Records have been created for an Emission source, this field becomes read only)
Date Inactive (Optional)
Last Date the Emission Source is valid
Reporting Frequency
The Reporting Frequency needs to be defined as either of the following:
This setting drives the data collection processes and reminder notifications.
(To protect data integrity, once Emission Results Records have been created for an Emission source, this field will becomes read only)
Owner (Optional)
Person responsible for the Emission Source.
Each Emissions Source must be linked to the Calculation which will be used to determine the emissions.
Material (Optional)
Linking an Emission Source to a Material to represent a material or fuel that is used or processed, in order to take the relevant Emission Factors into consideration.
While this is an optional field, it must have a value in case any of the Formulas in the Calculation used for this Emissions Source refers to a Material Attribute, for example:
By selecting the corresponding Material, the system can identify exactly which record to use and which attributes apply to calculate emissions.
Scope Type
Assign the Scope Type as advised by your relevant Environmental Agency.
Note: This field is only used as a flag for reporting purposes - it has no influence on calculations
Source Category
Assign the Source Category as advised by your relevant Environmental Agency.
Note: This field is only used as a flag for reporting purposes - it has no influence on calculations
Assign the Mobility Type (mobile, stationary) as appropriate.
Note: This field is only used as a flag for reporting purposes - it has no influence on calculations
Page "Sustainability Metric Mapping”
Where Sustainability Metrics Management module is enabled, the Administrators can map a Metric to an Emission Source as an input into an emissions calculation formula. The data entered for this Metric (via Administrative Data Entry Portal/Questionnaire) will be pushed into the Emissions Management module to drive emission calculations, eliminating the need to re-enter the same data in the Emissions Data Entry portal. This push happens on save of the Metrics data record.
This mapping page is visible when the Metrics Management module is enabled.
Mapped Sustainability Metric
Metrics selection list filtered to display the metrics based on the Reporting Frequency of the Emission Source.
For example, if the Reporting Frequency is set as ‘Month’, the system will only display Metrics with ‘Month’ as the frequency.
Sustainability Metric Locations
Location multi-select list filtered to display only the locations for which the Metric data collection is setup
Mapped Emissions Formula Input
Displays all the Formula Inputs for the current Emission Source.
There is additional filtering applied to only show the Formula Input records where a Unit of Measure conversion exists between the Target Unit (of the Formula Input) and the selected Metric Unit. This ensures that the entered Metric data will be able to be converted to the required Target UoM in the Emissions module.
If the [Metric Unit] is not filled in, then the system will display all the Formula Inputs (for the selected Emission Source) and use the Target Unit for the emission calculations.