Acceptable Input Deviation

Users have the Option to define an Acceptable Deviation (in percent) from the average of the previous four Inputs for an Emission Source.

Should the acceptable range be exceeded - being either too high or too low when compared to the average of the previous entries, +/- the acceptable Deviation - then the user is forced to enter a comment to explain the reason for the variation.

Definition for Acceptable Deviation

For the task of ...

I need to ...

Defining an acceptable range

You will need to access Workspace Menu path separator Admin Menu path separator Global Settings, tab Emissions.

  • To define an acceptable Range (e.g. 30%)
    Set Acceptable Input Deviation (%) = 30
  • To deactivate this check:
    Set Acceptable Input Deviation (%) = 0

Select Deviation Check Options

You can select one of the following options to perform deviation checks.

  • Previous time period
  • Same time last year
  • Average of previous 4 time periods

When a user enters in emissions data that deviates from the acceptable range, the system will flag that emission result record for exceedance, calculate the percentage exceeded by and populate that in the "Results" form.

See Also

Emissions Administration

Material Inventory: Emission Factors

Metrics (Emission Types)



Entering Formulas

Emission Sources

Time Periods

Outstanding Emissions Data Entry Reminder

Incomplete Emissions Data Notification

Defining the Email Body for Reminder to complete outstanding Emissions

Emissions Data Import

Maintaining Referential Data

Security Considerations and Limitations

Emissions Management: Outstanding Data Generation & Result Calculation

External Material Reference